Negotiating Sex
In the scenario, Mike was a bit older than you and a bit more established. Even though you were attracted to him, how might Mike’s age have been an issue for you in terms of deciding on how far to go with him sexually?
Would the fact that he had his shit together, was more experienced, or paid for your nice date have made you more likely to let him top you without a condom?
Negotiating sex can be tricky, especially if the other guy has status and self-assurance that make him seem powerful. But, here are two things you should remember:
- You are a valuable person in this relationship. An important part of dating is that you feel like an equal and a genuine partner in the relationship. Feeling this way is crucial in healthy relationships.
- You should be able to express your feelings openly and honestly. This is true for any relationship, including your friendships, but especially in dating relationships. It is important to discuss your sexual, emotional, and health needs with romantic and sexual partners.
And if your needs aren’t being met, it’s completely okay to be single!